
After I moved into my new home, I realized that there was a serious problem with the roof. There were some shingles missing, and there were large sections that were allowing water to come into the home. I was really discouraged about the problem, so I talked with my family and friends about finding a roofer that could take care of the job. They were able to find me an incredible professional that worked hard to take care of the issue, and it was really nice to see how great of a job he did. This blog is all about getting your roof repaired correctly the first time around.

3 Subtle Signs Of Roof Damage

13 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

The condition of your home's roof can deteriorate over time. Homeowners often overlook minor roofing problems, and roofing issues go unresolved until they cause significant damage. Taking the time to be more attuned to the signs that your roofing system is failing will reduce your repair costs and help you protect your home against serious and extensive water damage in the future. There are some subtle signs that you can be watching for that will let you know when you roofing materials need professional attention. Read More …

Building A Home? What To Know About Various Roof Shapes

31 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog

One aspect of building your own home will be selecting the type of roof it has. With there being so many styles and materials available to you, it can easily feel overwhelming to make this decision. Here is some information on three roof shapes, so that you can make a more informed decision. Gable Roof Gable roofs are a very popular choice for a new home, which is mainly due to the aesthetics of the roof. Read More …

Comparing Wood And Asphalt Roofs

16 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Residential roofing replacement is surprisingly cost effective. Even though the project can be a little expensive, depending on what material you choose, it is still worth the overall investment when you consider how your home will benefit from having a new roofing material. This article explains and compares two of the most popular and practical residential roofing materials on the market. Wooden Shakes and Shingles Wooden shakes and shingles have always been a popular roofing material. Read More …

Four Reasons To Replace Your Roof In Spring

13 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog

As spring rolls in, you are probably starting to look into home improvement projects and ways to fix up your home's exterior. If your roof is on its last legs, you may be thinking of putting off replacing it until the weather is warm and dry. But while waiting until summer is an acceptable approach, you're probably best off replacing the roof as soon as possible -- during spring. Here are some reasons why. Read More …

3 Ways To Prevent Winter Gutter Damage

27 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog

The winter season carries a number of environmental factors that can cause damage to the exterior of your home, and your roof's gutter system is no exception. Freezing temperatures, ice buildup, and the heavy weight of snow can place a great deal of stress on your gutters and downspouts, which can, in turn, cause structural damage that prevents the proper drainage of water in the spring. Improper drainage can quickly cause water damage to the interior of your home and excessive erosion in your landscape, so you need to make sure that you take care of your gutters to prevent such structural damage from occurring. Read More …

About Me
Getting My Roof Repaired

After I moved into my new home, I realized that there was a serious problem with the roof. There were some shingles missing, and there were large sections that were allowing water to come into the home. I was really discouraged about the problem, so I talked with my family and friends about finding a roofer that could take care of the job. They were able to find me an incredible professional that worked hard to take care of the issue, and it was really nice to see how great of a job he did. This blog is all about getting your roof repaired correctly the first time around.
